"Who would not want to come to Washington state and not see all the beautiful things you have here? You folks have got a little bit of heaven out here and we would really like to come out here and enjoy some of it with you." Waltrip said.
Archive for August 2008
Nascar fans have fun in Covington.
"Who would not want to come to Washington state and not see all the beautiful things you have here? You folks have got a little bit of heaven out here and we would really like to come out here and enjoy some of it with you." Waltrip said.
House for Sale
You've found the house of your dreams and the price is even within your budget. There's just one problem: the location. The front porch swing happens to face the second-busiest highway in the state.
Fabulous house or good neighborhood?
Houses can be adapted to meet your needs, but neighborhoods take years to change. And there's no guarantee they'll change for the better.Choosing the right neighborhood is arguably the most important decision you will make, and the whole family needs to be involved in the discussion. Have each member list neighborhood characteristics that are important to him or her. How important is....
- Living on a quiet street?.
- Being close to shops and public transportation?.
- Having access to quality schools?.
- The diversity of neighborhood demographics?
Start by focusing on the characteristics you like best about your old neighborhood. Once you have formed a picture of an ideal neighborhood, you can begin to research your options.
Visit the town hall
Find out how the city government works: the tax rate, utility services, trash collection times and methods, and services the town provides. Read the local newspapers to learn about the major issues.
Contact the board of education
Ask the hard questions:.
- What is the graduation rate?.
- What percentage of graduates go to college?.
- How do students perform on SATs or other standardized tests?.
- What extracurricular activities are offered?.
- What counseling services are available to help your child make the transition to a new school?
Go for a walk
Drive through the neighborhood, and then walk through -- without your real estate agent..
- Do you like the way it looks?.
- Does it feel safe?.
- Is it noisy?.
- Is there a lot of traffic?
Try to find out if there is interaction among neighbors, such as crime watches, block parties, or a neighborhood association.Once you've found a neighborhood that fits your family's needs, all you have to do is find the house of your dreams. I have a great internet site that you can sign up for your own personal search site. You will be able to log in see all the listing, photos and more. You can email me with the search area and price and I can get you set right up.
Lonnie Snyder
Keller Williams Realty Southeast Sound
Phone: 206-406-2710
E-Mail : snyder@kw.com
Website: http://www.callsnyder.com/
Blogsite: http://renton-real-estate.blogspot.com/
Lonnie Snyder is a full time real estate agent and REALTOR® with Keller Williams Realty specializing in Residential Real Estate for buyers and sellers in Washington’s Kent, Renton, Newcastle and South Bellevue.
Renton Photo Enforcement Program
Photo Enforcement Speed Camera Citations to begin in September at McKnight Middle School and Renton High School
For more information contact:
Kent Curry, Police Commander, Patrol Services, Renton Police Department 425-430-7555
Preeti Shridhar, Communications Director, 425-630-6569
Starting September 16, 2008, the City of Renton will begin issuing citations to motorists who exceed the speed limit at McKnight Middle School and Renton High School. The city has also installed speed cameras at Talbot Hill Elementary School and a 30-day warning period will begin on September 2, 2008.
The registered owners of the offending cars will receive a notice of infraction in the amount of $124.00 when the speed violation is 6 to 15 miles per hour over the posted school zone speed. If the violation speed exceeds 15 miles per hour the penalty is $250.00. The citations that will be issued to violators at McKnight Middle School and Renton High School following the 30-day warning period that also included testing of the cameras and a training session for law-enforcement officers.
The initial phase of the warning period for McKnight Middle School and Renton High School was in early July, during the summer school program. During this time a total of 1084 warning notices were sent to violators at McKnight Middle School and 897 to violators at Renton High School.
“We continue to provide warning signs to advise motorists about the cameras and encourage responsible driving in our school zones,” said Mayor Denis Law. “As children start school after Labor Day, I urge everyone to slow down.”
In addition to the warning signs currently installed, the city is adding additional signs near the intersections to alert drivers to the school zones and provide ample warning of the speed cameras.
The cameras operate during school hours and capture still photographs and video of every vehicle that exceeds the school zone speed limit. Each fixed speed site is posted with a photo enforcement sign in addition to the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control devices approved for school zones.
“As summer ends and we begin the start of a new school year, it is important that we are vigilant in maintaining the safety of our children as they go to and from school,” said Mary Alice Heuschel, Superintendent, Renton School District. “I am pleased to see that the city has installed speed cameras near our schools. This will go a long way in encouraging drivers to slow down and watch out for our children.”
The City of Renton has a contract with American Traffic Solutions (ATS) to provide the photo enforcement program. ATS is installing and maintaining all equipment related to this program and process. If a violation occurs, a notice of infraction will be sent to the vehicle’s owner. Violators may view a 12-second video clip through the website www.ViolationInfo.com, provided by ATS.
Photos are not taken until the law is broken, and the cameras only capture pictures of the rear of the offending vehicle and license plate. These cameras pose no threat to privacy and cut down on vehicles violating speed regulations during school hours.
The registered owner who receives the notice can pay the fine using one of the following methods: online at www.ViolationInfo.com, by mail, by phone using a credit card, or in person at Renton Municipal Court. Violators may also request a hearing on the notice of infraction. More information on these options is available on the web pages of the Renton Police Department or Renton Municipal Court at rentonwa.gov.
“Our goal with this program is for motorists to slow down to the speed limit and pay more attention to the pedestrian traffic around them,” said Mayor Law. We would consider this program a huge success if we did not have to issue any tickets.”
For more information on Renton’s Photo Enforcement Program, visit rentonwa.gov.
Just Listed.
WOW 3 Bed 2 Full Bath Condo for $215,000
975 Aberdeen Ave NE C-303 Renton WA. 98056 Directions: Go East off exit 5 of I-405. Turn R onto Sunset Blvd. NE. Make a sharp R. onto Aberdeen Ave NE (At blinking yellow light) Renton Ridge is in 1/2 mile on the left. Take 2nd Renton Ridge entrance. go R.
Beautiful top floor condo recently remodeled. Features include new flooring, designer paint, light fixtures and stainless steel appliances. You will love the open kitchen; large master bedroom with walk-in closet; vaulted ceiling, and view of greenbelt. Stackable washer and dryer and all appliances are included. Convenient to the freeways and shopping. Club house with an outdoor pool, athletic court, play ground. Perfect for the first time home buyer wanting an upscale home. 1 year AHS Warranty
I pull out all the stops to sell you home.
Lonnie Snyder
Keller Williams Realty Southeast Sound
Phone: 206-406-2710
E-Mail : snyder@kw.com
Website: http://www.callsnyder.com/
Blogsite: http://renton-real-estate.blogspot.com/
Lonnie Snyder is a full time real estate agent and REALTOR® with Keller Williams Realty specializing in Residential Real Estate for buyers and sellers in Washington’s Kent, Renton, Newcastle and South Bellevue.
So you want to sell your home.
After careful planning, doing hours of research, I decided to sale my home myself. Really what could be so hard about it- I would save thousands of dollars!
Day one: I purchased a sign at my local hardware store that had a tube attached it to put in flyers. Wouldn’t have guessed that flimsy metal and plastic tube would have cost $29.00. Couldn’t wait to get home and put the sign up. There is so much traffic on my street that someone will buy it!
Day two: Made some flyers on my inkjet printer at home, not to bad. I knew I had some marketing talent! Put 15 or so in the tube and took some to the office.
Day Three: While at work, a coworker commented on my flyer. Looks like a buyer! But all she said was that I misspelled some words and my $139.00 sales price seemed low.Went home and made more flyers.
Day Four: When I got home, I put the home on the web in as many places that would take a free listing; promising millions of people would see my ad. Sure I made the right decision now!
Day Five: Another coworker puts up a flyer on her house, with a price close to mine. Kind of jealous, her flyer looked better than mine and had more pictures.
First weekend: Worked outside cleaning up the home and really cleaned the inside. Sure someone will want to look at it this weekend.
Second Week: Keep getting emails from porno sites, have no idea where those are coming from. Also, getting a lot of callers that hang up. Maybe my answering machine isn’t working properly. Might need a new one. Somebody must be interested; I keep having to make flyers. One of my coworkers said that she heard of someone selling their home in two days after buying a marketing plan they saw on TV. Got the information on it and will look at it when I get home tonight. Mistakenly deleted an important email today while deleting the porno sites and the multi level marketing schemes. Unplugged my answering machine, clearly doesn’t work. Made more flyers with my cell phone number on them.
Third week: Received the marketing plan in the mail. For only $200.00 it looks great, lots of great ideas on how to market your home. Think I will put flyers at local Apartment. Complexes. I know one of them want to buy a home. Made 200 more flyers. Need to go to Office Dept to buy more ink. Spend 4-5 hours putting out flyers at the apartments. Tired, but happy. Received 10 calls on my cell phone about the house. Told them all they wanted to know and two callers set up appointments for tomorrow night. Left work early to get home to meet with the prospects but neither showed up. Guess they had something come up. More calls and three appointments this weekend.
Called my good friend and told her I couldn’t go out of town this weekend due to the appointments. Someone must have pulled up in the driveway to look at the house; there was a large oil stain on the driveway. Didn’t take long to clean it up though.
Fourth Week: Had to change my email because of the spam. How did they get my email address? Left work early again to meet with prospect. No matter, I can work later tomorrow. Worked 12 hours today and still didn’t get anything done. Must be stressed because of the house. My boss commented on my looks, maybe I need to take some time off. Carpet cleaners finally arrived, took longer than they said, so I called the office and told them that I wouldn’t be back today. Cell phone is ringing off the hook, and I spend what I think is hours talking about my house, but it seems that everyone just wants to know what the rent is- can’t they get it through their heads that I want to sell the house?
Fifth Week: No offers yet so I am going to reduce the price. Made more flyers. Went to Office supply store for more ink. Someone rang the doorbell at 6:00am this morning. Came home one day and my deck chairs were missing. Saw another oil slick. I now turn off the cell phone when I get home, need the peace and quiet. Tried to do some work on my computer and checked the sites that I place my ads on. For some reason, I couldn’t find my ad. Took a couple of hours to redo the ads and upload them. Morning is going to come too soon.
Sixth Week: My boss asked me into his office and asked if anything was wrong. Had no idea where he was coming from. My coworker closed on her house. Went home and found my stereo and TV gone, someone had broke in. Funny, saw another oil slick. Called my insurance the next day and they said they would take care of it, but I do have to pay my $250.00 deductible. Another prospect came by and got the carpet dirty again. And he asked if I would seller finance? My cell phone bill came in and I was over my limit by $75.00. Need to not answer the phone and only take messages. One of the apartments sent me a letter to come and take down all the flyers or I would be sued. I am going to have an open house this weekend. Called my girlfriend and cancelled our trip out of town. Had the open house and got the chance to see my neighbors. No one came by except them and that is after I spent $30.00 on drinks and chips. Made more flyers.
Seventh Week: Put the house on a FSBO website, only cost $399.00. Needed to make more flyers because I lowered the price by $5000.00. Read somewhere online that kitchens and baths needed to be modern to get the best price. I might remodel. Took off a day and ½ to meet with the contractors. For $40,000 I can get the best kitchen and bath ever! Now that the FSBO site is up, I am receiving more calls. Had to go out and buy a better camera to take the right pictures. It was suggested that I have a virtual tour. Went into work late to meet with the photographer. Only cost $79.00, she did a great job. It is really beautiful. Met with my banker at lunch to apply for the line of credit to do the kitchen and bath work. Great rate, interest only! It is time to put lime and fertilizer on the yard, not sure if I am going to do it since I am selling.
Eighth Week: The contractor started this week and should be finished in about two weeks. I can show the property even with the work going on. A prospect can see how much I take care of the home. It will get me a much higher price. After a couple of days of hard work, the contractor had to go do an emergency job. He said he would still finish on time. Had a prospect come by, but he couldn’t seem to grasp my vision on the work being done. He probably wasn’t interested anyway. Made some more flyers. Received my check from the insurance money minus my deductible. Went and bought a new TV and stereo.
Ninth Week: My parents came by to look at the work being done and my mother said she was worried about me. After they left I finished off the last of the wine. Need to buy some more chips and ice cream too. The contractor is back working diligently. The contractor is gone again. Saw another oil slick, checked my car. It has got to be coming from somewhere.
Another co-worker sold her home. Someone stole my sign. Bought another. Had a prospect come by, invited him to drink wine with me. That was sure bold! Only had one glass and left. Must be losing it. Dropped the price again, made more flyers. Contractor came back.
Tenth Week: Boss told me not to miss anymore work. Had a beer at lunch. Got home and contractor wasn’t there but my kitchen cabinets were-in the wrong place. Called the FSBO site and cussed them out for not selling my house. Was told it was my problem. Really don’t care to mow the lawn, I’m moving anyway. First payment is due on the line of credit. After I eat and have a drink I might call a Realtor. Contractor said he could fix the cabinets but it would cost me more money. And he needed an advance.
Well that was two months ago, the contractor took my money, got broken into again and I lost my job. My parents had me committed because of my drinking but I am not worried. The bank is foreclosing on the line of credit and I am going to lose the house.
Wasn’t that what I wanted anyway?
Lonnie Snyder
I-405 - Construction Updates For August 2008
I-405 - Construction Updates
Construction schedules and activities are subject to weather conditions. Please review the construction updates on this page for the most current information on I-405 construction projects. Travelers can also call 511 for real-time traffic and weather updates
Updates are posted frequently.
Last updated: August 11, 2008 10:44 a.m.
If you have questions or comments that are not addressed by these resources, please contact the I-405 Project Office at 425-456-8585.
For construction update information about other projects in King County visit the King County Construction project updates page.
Highlights on I-405
Driver Alert: August 8-11, southbound I-405 between SE 8th Street and I-90 will close to remove the Wilburton Tunnel. Detours will be posted.
I-405: Renton Widening (I-5 to SR 167) - Stage 1
8:10 p.m., 8/9
Mileposts: 0 - 4.5
Lisa Hodgson, Project Engineer, 425.282.6826
WSDOT will add one northbound and one southbound lane to I-405 between I-5 and SR 167. We will also add one southbound lane on SR 167 between I-405 and S. 180th Street, and extend the southbound SR 167 HOV lane from I-405 to the existing start of the HOV lane.
Monday, August 11 - Crews will close up to two lanes of southbound I-405 between SR 167 and I-5 for paving. The first lane will close at 10 p.m. The second lane will close at midnight. All lanes will be open by 5 a.m.
Tuesday, August 12 – Crews will close the HOV lane on southbound I-405 between Oakesdale Ave. SW and SR 181 from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. for electrical work.
SR 167
Monday, August 11 – Thursday, August 15 – Crews will close two right lanes on southbound SR 167 between I-405 and South 180th Street nightly for roadway widening work. The first lane will close at 8 p.m. The second lane will close at midnight. All lanes will be open by 5 a.m.
Renton and Tukwila City Streets
Monday, August 11 – Monday, August 18 – Crews will close one lane in each direction on Oakesdale Avenue SW from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily except Sunday.
Monday, August 11 - Monday, August 18 – Crews will close one lane of eastbound Grady Way near Oakesdale Avenue SW from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily except Sunday.
I-405: Renton Widening (SR 167 to SR 169) – Stage 2
8:13 a.m., 8/8
Mileposts: 2.35 – 4.5
Chad Brown, Project Engineer, 425.456.8569
WSDOT will add a northbound and southbound lane to I-405 between SR 167 and SR 169. We will also constructs a new half-diamond interchange at SR 515 and reconstruct the Benson Road Bridge over I-405.
We do not expect construction to impact traffic this week.
I-405: South Bellevue Widening (112th Ave SE to SE 8th Street)
10:44 a.m., 8/11
Mileposts: 8.94 - 12.34
Stacy Trussler, Deputy Project Director South, 425.401.4126
We will widen I-405 within the city of Bellevue between 112th Avenue SE and SE 8th Street. The principle features of the 112th Avenue SE to SE 8th St project are one southbound lane from SE 8th Street to I-90 and one northbound lane from 112th Avenue to SE 8th Street.
Monday, August 11 - Crews will close up to three lanes of northbound I-405 between Coal Creek Parkway and SE 8th Street for pavement repair. The first lane will close at 8 p.m. The second lane will close at 10 p.m. The third lane will close at 11 p.m. All lanes will open by 5 a.m.
Monday, August 11 - Crews will close up to three lanes of southbound I-405 between SE 8th Street and I-90 for pavement repair and to set girders. The first lane will close at 8 p.m. The second lane will close at 10 p.m. The third lane will close at 11 p.m. All lanes will open by 5 a.m.
Friday, August 15 - Monday, August 18 - Crews will close southbound I-405 between SE 8th Street and the I-405/I-90 interchange from 11 p.m. Friday to 5 a.m. Monday to remove the Wilburton Tunnel.
I-405/Downtown Bellevue interchanges
Monday, August 11 - Crews will close the ramp from NE 4th Street to southbound I-405 from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. for pavement repair.
Monday, Aug. 11 – Crews will close the ramp from SE 8th Street to southbound I-405 for pavement repair from 8 pm. to 5 a.m.
Friday, August 15 – Monday, August 18 - Crews will close the ramp from NE 6th Street to southbound I-405 from 9 p.m. Friday to 5 a.m. Monday to remove the Wilburton Tunnel.
Friday, August 15 – Monday, August 18 – Crews will close the ramp from NE 8th Street to southbound I-405 from 10 p.m. Friday to 5 a.m. Monday to remove the Wilburton Tunnel.
Friday, August 15 – Monday, August 18 – Crews will close the ramp from NE 4th Street to southbound I-405 from 10 p.m. Friday to 5 a.m. Monday to remove the Wilburton Tunnel.
Friday, August 15 – Monday, August 18 – Crews will close the ramp from SE 8th Street to southbound I-405 from 10 p.m. Friday to 5 a.m. Monday to remove the Wilburton Tunnel.
I-405/I-90 interchange
Monday, August 11 – Crews will close the ramp from southbound I-405 to westbound I-90 from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. to set girders on the new bridge over I-90.
Monday, August 11 – Crews will close the ramp from southbound I-405 to eastbound I-90 from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. to set girders for the new bridge over I-90.
I-405/SR 520 Interchange
Friday, August 15 – Monday, August 18 – Crews will close the ramp from eastbound SR 520 to southbound I-405 from 10 p.m. Friday to 5 a.m. Monday to remove the Wilburton Tunnel.
Bellevue City Streets
Monday, August 11 – Crews will completely close Coal Creek Parkway under the bridge at I-405 from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. for seismic retrofit work.
I-405: NE 10th Street Bridge Crossing
8:13 a.m., 8/8
Mileposts: 13.5 - 14.28
Doug Haight, Project Engineer, 425.649.4429
WSDOT is partnering with the city of Bellevue to build a new freeway bridge at NE 10th Street in Bellevue. The NE 10th Street Bridge will be built in two stages. The city of Bellevue will construct the first stage. WSDOT will construct the bridge over I-405 in the second stage.
Monday, August 11 - Tuesday, August 12 – Crews will close two left lanes of northbound I-405 nightly between NE 8th Street and SR 520 to pour concrete in the median. The HOV lane will be closed from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. The second lane will be closed from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m.
Monday, August 11 - Tuesday, August 12 – Crews will close two left lanes of southbound I-405 nightly between NE 8th Street and SR 520 to pour concrete in the median. The HOV lane will be closed from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. The second lane will be closed from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m.
I-405 Ramps
Monday, August 11 - Tuesday, August 12 – Crews will close the ramp from NE 6th Street to northbound I-405 nightly from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. to pour concrete in the median.
Monday, August 11 - Tuesday, August 12 – Crews will close the ramp from southbound I-405 to NE 6th Street nightly from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. to pour concrete in the median.
Where is mom or dad going to live?
Increasingly, senior assisted living and retirement communities are meeting the needs of a broader range of seniors, including active seniors. If you are researching and considering senior assisted living and retirement communities, consider the following tips:
*Start a notebook, which you will use to compile notes and other information about the assisted living and retirement communities you consider.
*In the notebook, list the qualities you want (or if you are assisting an elder, ask them about their wishes and preferences).
*Ask friends, relatives, and colleagues to recommend assisted living and retirement communities for you to consider.
*Contact the facilities, arrange for tours, and request references.
*Check into the background of each facility. The Better Business Bureau may be able to help, and they may also be able to put you in touch with the agency in your state that oversees assisted living and retirement communities.
*Finally, tour each facility and note amenities and conditions. Ask to speak with a few of the residents about their experiences there.
Lonnie Snyder
Keller Williams Realty Southeast Sound
Phone: 206-406-2710
E-Mail : snyder@kw.com
Website: http://www.callsnyder.com/
Blogsite: http://renton-real-estate.blogspot.com/
Lonnie Snyder is a full time real estate agent and REALTOR® with Keller Williams Realty specializing in Residential Real Estate for buyers and sellers in Washington’s Kent, Renton, Newcastle and South Bellevue.
A new addition to your family
So you're expecting a new addition to your family? Congratulations! Adding a new family member brings excitement, stress, and fun all wrapped up in one. Whether you're expecting or adopting, you might be considering whether you need to upsize your living quarters.
First determine how soon you'll need more space. If you are bringing home an infant or toddler, your needs will be different than if you are adding an older child to the family. Newborns don't take up much room. In fact, at first, you may not need a separate room for baby. For the first few weeks or months, some parents choose to have baby sleep in their bed or place baby in a bassinette next to their bed. Newborns don't have many worldly possessions, and what they do have is still tiny (and space-saving).
A Toddler, on the other hand, may require his or her own room right away. If you find that you can't upsize your accommodations right away, look into ways to temporarily "create" a place for your toddler. You can do the same for an older child. Perhaps you can put up a temporary wall in another child's room or section off a corner of a large living room. However you do it, be sure that it is safe and quiet and still allows your household to function.
Next consider how much space you need and how you want to add it. The apartment with one more bedroom will suit some people's immediate needs, with the idea that they will move into bigger accommodations as their space needs grow along with their children. For others, a move from an apartment to a rental house or duplex is ideal because of the additional storage gained on top of the extra bedroom. After all, the bigger the child, the bigger the toys and the greater the need for storage space.If the apartment-dwelling family finds that upsizing by one room isn't enough, they may want to consider whether they gain more from upsizing by one room plus a rented storage bin/ unit or from upsizing by two bedrooms. The cost may be nearly comparable.
Other families may need to remodel their existing house or move into a bigger home, contingent upon cost and available resources.
I would be happy to help you buy your home.
Lonnie Snyder
Keller Williams Realty Southeast Sound
Phone: 206-406-2710
E-Mail : snyder@kw.com
Website: http://www.callsnyder.com/
Blogsite: http://renton-real-estate.blogspot.com/
Lonnie Snyder is a full time real estate agent and REALTOR® with Keller Williams Realty specializing in Residential Real Estate for buyers and sellers in Washington’s Kent, Renton, Newcastle and South Bellevue.
Most Overpriced ZIP Codes
America's Most Overpriced ZIP Codes
By Matt Woolsey, Forbes.com
Ten spots where buyers pay a huge premium to own relative to how much it would cost to rent.
In San Jose, Calif., home to Silicon Valley and some of the highest home values in the country, a bumper sticker reads, "Dear God, one more bubble before I die."
Chances are the car's driver lives in Willow Glen, a neighborhood with a small-town feel, Spanish-style single family homes and a main street with sidewalk cafes and locally owned shops. To live there, residents are paying the city's highest prices relative to what they could pay to rent similar properties in the same area. When you compare mortgage payments to the value of a similar home on the rental market, the price to buy is 26.1 times higher, one of the biggest differences in the country.
Willow Glen is one example of a neighborhood where homeowners are still taking chances on future appreciation--and paying a premium above and beyond their neighbors for that confidence.
Still, it's not as overpriced as New York's TriBeCa (10013) or Boston's Chinatown (02111), where demand for high-end condos, new development and proximity to downtowns have pumped up prices.
Behind The Numbers
While real estate markets may be slumping across the country, there are plenty of neighborhoods with similar characteristics. These include downtown Seattle (98104), Mission Hills, San Diego (92103) and Coronado, Phoenix (85006).
To find them, we used data from Hotpads.com, an aggregator of rental listings from brokerages and real estate investment trusts, as well as home sales offerings from multiple listing services and individual brokers.
In a report for Forbes.com, Hotpads.com produced a price-to-earnings spread for each ZIP code in the nation's 40 largest cities by comparing rental costs with buying costs for similar properties, based on number of bedrooms, location and price per square foot.
Price-to-earnings, or P/E, expresses how much one has to pay for each dollar of return. A neighborhood with a high P/E is overvalued because a buyer is getting a low return based on costs--and paying a huge premium to live in area relative to how much it would cost to rent a similar property there. In TriBeCa, for example, which is No. 1 on our list, the P/E of the measured property is 36.3.
A high P/E can be a sign of an investment being overpriced, but a rock bottom P/E doesn't mean a bargain. In fact, when you get into the single digits, you're usually buying a weak investment in an area few are interested in. Detroit's 48235, around 7 Mile Road, for example, has a P/E of 3. It is inundated with foreclosed properties and houses going for as little as $25,000. It's hard to put an exact epicenter on Detroit's real estate crash, but this neighborhood is in contention.
High-Priced Properties
Instead, mini-bubbles are created when buyers invest in robust areas where they expect homes will continue to rise in value. If their gamble pays off and the neighborhood appreciates further, today's overpriced buyer is tomorrow's smart investor.
A neighborhood with a very high P/E, like West Hollywood, Calif., where rents trail prices by 30 times, has an expectation of future price increases baked into the cost of buying. It's not prime West Hollywood, but since it's on the edge of nicer parts of town and of affluent neighborhood Los Feliz, it's been attractive to speculators, despite the cost.
But expensive does not mean always mean overpriced.
Limestone townhouses on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, for example, are listed for ever-dizzying prices. Financier J. Christopher Flowers bought a $53 million townhouse on East 75th Street in 2006, and sold a smaller East 73rd Street townhouse undergoing renovation for $23 million in 2007. Expensive? Yes. Overpriced? Not so much. Consider that a five-bedroom mansion on East 74th Street that once belonged to Eleanor Roosevelt is currently listed for $60,000 a month. Prices may be tops in the city, but prime rental prices are peerless as well.
Instead, the country's most overpriced areas are ZIP codes like San Francisco's Outer Sunset neighborhood, 94122, which, given its location near the Pacific Ocean and on the south side of Golden Gate Park, was during the most recent boom widely thought to be up-and-coming. Median prices surged from $560,000 in June of 2003 to a peak of $771,000 in March of 2008, based on Trulia.com price data drawn from California's multiple-listing service.
Sometimes, however, betting on price appreciation doesn't quite work out, and when markets start to soften, speculative areas are often the first to take a hit.
San Francisco as a whole has declined 6% over the last year, but prices in the Outer Sunset have declined 10%, dropping to $692,000. Based on asking prices and asking rents, though, the market still has a way to fall before reaching equilibrium.
Investors and homeowners in the other nine neighborhoods on our list are likely hoping for immunity from this trend.
If you would like more information on your area with what the current real estate market is doing send me an email on your request.
Lonnie Snyder
Keller Williams Realty Southeast Sound
Phone: 206-406-2710
E-Mail : snyder@kw.com
Website: http://www.callsnyder.com/
Blogsite: http://renton-real-estate.blogspot.com/
Lonnie Snyder is a full time real estate agent and REALTOR® with Keller Williams Realty specializing in Residential Real Estate for buyers and sellers in Washington’s Kent, Renton, Newcastle and South Bellevue.