With the recent snows and floods homes may not be safe for occupancy. Heavy wet snows can cause structural roof damage often only visible from the attic space. Cracked trusses, damaged flashing and roof decking are a few conditions that can cause extensive repairs in the future. Floods cause foundation damage, loosen footings, and damage the floor structure. The American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) are highly trained inspectors experienced to evaluate attic and crawl space conditions. Find an ASHI inspector in your area by going to www.ashiww.com.
Here are a few safety precautions for those returning to their home after flooding. If your home has a basement do not pump the water out too quickly. Pumping basement water too soon can create a pressure difference between the outside and inside basement walls causing foundation cracking and failure. If the power main service panel was under water or still is in the water do not turn the power on. Loose wires and standing water can cause electrical hazards. If your furnace ducting was under water do not turn the furnace on until the ducting is repaired. Your local ASHI home inspector is available to answer your questions and schedule an inspection.
Storm Evaluation:
If you call today, you will receive a Storm Evaluation Inspection for only $150! CALL TODAY AND SAVE! 206-901-1549
George and Vicki Rinehart
Rinehart Inspection Services, LLC
phone: 206-901-1549
email: g_rinehart@hotmail.com
web: http://www.rinehartinspections.com